3 facts about Islam

All-about-islam-forever - welcome and greetings to all of us, thank you for visiting this blog, this time I will discuss about 3 facts about Islam, why I choose 3 facts about Islam? Because sometimes those who are non-Muslims when going to emigrate to Islam sometimes confused, and hesitate, and want to find out facts about the real Islam, well this is the place, because I will discuss some facts that really exist in the Islamic religion, which none in any other religion, which distinguishes it from other religions, which is the most dominant religion in the world, the religion of the spiritual Rohmatan lil'alamin, the perfect religion, the religion blessed by God. So what are the 3 facts about Islam , please see below carefully. The most perfect religion You must already know what is the meaning of the perfect word ,? Well perfect it was complete. Because there is no defect. Why is that, because in Islam there are rules, from problems, social, po...