3 facts about Islam

All-about-islam-forever - welcome and greetings to all of us, thank you for visiting this blog, this time I will discuss about 3 facts about Islam, why I choose 3 facts about Islam? Because sometimes those who are non-Muslims when going to emigrate to Islam sometimes confused, and hesitate, and want to find out facts about the real Islam, well this is the place, because I will discuss some facts that really exist in the Islamic religion, which none in any other religion, which distinguishes it from other religions, which is the most dominant religion in the world, the religion of the spiritual Rohmatan lil'alamin, the perfect religion, the religion blessed by God.
So what are the 3 facts about Islam, please see below carefully.

  •  The most perfect religion 
You must already know what is the meaning of the perfect word ,? Well perfect it was complete. Because there is no defect. Why is that, because in Islam there are rules, from problems, social, political, economic, trade, statehood, deliberation to consensus, and others. 

If you do not believe, you try to find out to the ustadz / uztadzah close to you, ask whatever you do not know, God willing they can explain, what has been arranged, which is in the Qur'an, Hadith, Ijma Ulama / kiyas. Why I rely on the Qur'an, Hadith, Ijma Ulama / kiyas, because all of them are so connected, connected to each other, like chains that connect to each other, if one does not exist, then it could be a wrong step .  

Do you already understand? I hope you often find out what you do not know about Islam, because Islam is the most perfect religion. Just a small example, "when you will urinate, do you go straight into the wc, open the pants, just piss? certainly not ", there are ways that are:
  • Before entering the wc pray 
  • Enter the left foot wc first 
  • In the wc, circumcised does not speak 
  • In the wc is recommended not too long 
  • circumcised using a head cover (coffee'ah / other) 
  • Urinary while sitting, not standing 
  • Being circumcised first wash the genitals with water, before urinating 
  • Coughing to remove the remaining urine that has not come out 
  • Being washed / splashed water into the genitals, to be clean 
  • Exit the wc with your right foot 
  • Praying out the loo
Try asking your pastor / kiayinya your religion other than Islam, is there such a rule? I am sure not, because it is only in Islam that all things have its rules.  

So what is true Christianity is also Islam? is actually true Islam, but the more it comes, the books are constantly changing, not fixed, meaning it is man-made, which has been modified, not different from the Qur'an, which has been fixed, and unchanged, forever, from the time of the Prophet Adam AS , until the People of Prophet Muhammad SAW as the end-time society, which we are experiencing today. 

Keep in mind well, the above is just a small example, others are the same. And many more.
  • The adherents are friendly 
If in the country of Indonesia alone the majority of non-Muslim religion, what will happen to the Islamic religion in Indonesia itself? we take, for example, in a foreign country whose majority is non-Muslim, instead destroying, killing, hostile, Muslims. Is this so-called friendly? 

Well in the Islamic religion, whether when the majority of Indonesia is the religion of Islam, then other than the Islamic state in destruction, killed, hostile, what is it? of course not, because Muslims have been taught, while not doing evil to the religion of Islam, it will be friendly to non-Muslim religion, but if the evil deeds to Islam, it will not stay silent, we take the example aja. Ancient times in the lake area there is a massive destruction of churches, polres and markets, by Muslims, why is that? because one day there was a Muslim youth arrested by the police while not doing anything harmful to others, but instead arrested and slapped, then the young man told it to ajengan / leadership, so the same he also done the same thing, then he to decide to send all his subordinates to destroy the policeman and others, and the result was shocking, millions of santri came to defend it.  

Well that is a small thing that if you act we act hard, do not underestimate it. But if you are friendly, it will be more friendly we as Muslims, that is taught in religion, so while in a country majority of Islamic religion, then the country will be safe, peaceful and peaceful. Surely when you visit the country of Indonesia, would be greeted with friendly, then smile, it's a smile part of the worship, which will rarely be found by a large country though.
  • There is already a picture of what is to come
Within the Islamic religion, there is already a picture whose name is what has happened, which will happen, everything is recorded in Lauh Mahfudz, who is in Allah's Throne, which is the throne of Allah, which even the angels will not enter, destroyed. 

So good is Allah's Throne. You must often hear the name of the prophecy, well the prediction is really there, but if people guessed it, it is just a guess, do not be entirely trusted, because it could be you are idolaters.  

But in the religion of Islam is also a lot of so-called prophecy, but the forecast in Islam is real, fact, and will actually happen. Suppose such as: 
  • Dead 
  • Eternal life after death 
  • Signs of doomsday 
  • Judgment Day 
  • Day of vengeance (if the slang language is "real karma")  
Continue if there is a predicting thing that will happen based on human / paranormal, what we should believe or not? the answer is, do not believe, because if it happens to happen, will make us believe and believe in human, which will reduce belief to God. 

How gays, may help you in finding out about the real facts, because Islam is forever, and Islam can also make you safe world hereafter, for if there is faith in human beings as small as the seeds will remain in eternal heaven.  
The picture below is about the other Islamic facts

Thank you, hopefully useful, and increase your confidence to be more confident in order to truly migrate to the true religion of Islam, which is true of your own conscience.


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