
Showing posts from December, 2017

3 facts about Islam

All-about-islam-forever - welcome and greetings to all of us, thank you for visiting this blog, this time I will discuss about 3 facts about Islam, why I choose 3 facts about Islam? Because sometimes those who are non-Muslims when going to emigrate to Islam sometimes confused, and hesitate, and want to find out facts about the real Islam, well this is the place, because I will discuss some facts that really exist in the Islamic religion, which none in any other religion, which distinguishes it from other religions, which is the most dominant religion in the world, the religion of the spiritual Rohmatan lil'alamin, the perfect religion, the religion blessed by God.     So what are the 3 facts about Islam , please see below carefully.   The most perfect religion   You must already know what is the meaning of the perfect word ,? Well perfect it was complete. Because there is no defect. Why is that, because in Islam there are rules, from problems, social, po...

Islamic Shop

All-about-islam-forever - welcome and thank you for coming to blog all about islam forever in islam, this world must be often have something to do with commerce, why so, because if there will be no trade, then all can really live alone, why? because with all life itself, human beings will not get anything. Maybe if this happens, then the world will experience the name of a great apocalypse, the real one. Never mind to trade, to eat alone you may feel that can not cook, it will not be able to eat, it may have to buy, whereas the selling food is not there, if you can cook but do not have bahan2nya, useless, the ingredients must buy, while the selling does not exist, well, there will be a time when there will be a time, where all human rich all, there will be no interaction of buying and selling etc, then when it happens, you must be afraid, because doomsday stay a while longer.     Now talking trade, you must know that there are 3 trade types: Trade of food and clothing ...

What is islam ?

All about islam- For those of you who are looking for information about ISLAM, entangled for mu'alaf , or those of you who are interested in ISLAM, will surely be looking for, what is ISLAM.  Well here I will tell you all, what is ISLAM? see through the right yah gay ISLAM is a religion blessed by ALLOH SWT, why so, because when viewed in terms of his actions very very extraordinary benefits. Islam is a perfect religion, because every act of us all is governed by the Qur'an and Al-Hadisth, from the beginning we are in the womb, to the grave. Everything is arranged.For example, in Islam there is a wudhu and sholat . Well from the benefits of wudu alone, have many gan, you do not believe ?! Try aja dah your ablution continues in every day 5 times the minimum / more much better. Blame your body members INSYA ALLOH be healthy, and your face can be bright and fresh. ISLAM is also one of the religions that really extraordinary benefits if you do charity deeds of Muslims...

What is wudhu ?

All about islam forever - For Muslims who I believe in diligent worship, and extraordinary charity worship, would not forget or impossible to not know with what is called wudu. Wudu (small hadats) is a way to cleanse / purify themselves from being unclean. This must be closely related to each other by the name of prayer, because the name of the prayer must be in a state of pure self, place and time of prayer.  Not only when praying gan you must have wudoo. But there are many more, including: When to bring, touch and read the Qur'an, etc.     Ablution there is condition, rukun, sunna and that abrogate ablution.   Rukun ablution:      Intention (when washing face with water ablution that touches the head) our intentions intention in the heart.      Wash hands with 3 fingers above the elbows, and the water must flow by itself.      Wash / clean / pour a little water into the place where the...

What is sholat ?

All about islam forever - The language of prayer means prayer, while in term, prayer is a mandatory worship consisting of speech and deeds beginning with takbiratul ihram and ending with greetings with harmonious and certain requirements.     In doing the prayer should always try to maintain. Language, khusyu 'comes from the kataya'a yakhsya'u khusyu'an, which means focusing the vision on the earth & closing the eyes / lightening sound during prayer. Khusyu 'it means closer to khusyu' ie submission & takhasysyu 'ie make yourself become khusyu'. Khusyu 'this can be through voice, body movement or vision. all three of them become a sign of kekhusyu'an for someone in performing the prayer.    In term syara ', khusyu ' is the state of a quiet soul & tawadhu ', then khusyu' heart is very influential and will appear on other limbs. According to A. Syafi'i khusyu 'means deliberate, sincere, submissive inwa...